October Sponsor Spotlight: Hi-Viz and MEC

Our October sponsors of the month are Hi-Viz and MEC Shooting Sports!

Hiviz Shooting Systems serves the firearms and shooting industry by providing their customers with the products that can help them become a better shooter. They use cutting-edge technology and the highest quality materials in every product. Their sights have brighter LitePipes, better construction and last longer. We love their CompSights and MiniComps on our trailer shotguns and we give away sets at each of our event raffles.

Many thanks to Trevor for all of your support over the years.

For more information, visit hivizsights.com.

MEC (Mayville Engineering Company), has been around since 1955 and is one of the most respected Made in the USA clay machine and shotshell reloader companies in the industry today. Along with our other clay machine sponsors, Shoot for a Cure is featuring the 408XP1 (Standard trap) and a 300EW1 (wobble trap) in our world famous “Shoot For A Cure Flurry” and we're giving away a 9000GN12 MEC Shotshell Reloader in our yearly raffle.

Special thanks to Shawn and Simon at MEC for your continued support.

For more info, visit mecoutdoors.com.